02 November 2009

Why Oracle Should Dump JDeveloper For NetBeans (Update)

This is going to be a very short post. Oracle have announced in their Sun Product Support FAQ that they are endorsing NetBeans as an open source IDE option for the Java platform alongside Eclipse and JDeveloper. Some people have commented that Oracle have given a lukewarm response to NetBeans.

What is not certain is how Oracle are going to support NetBeans. Perhaps Oracle will be releasing plugins for NetBeans just like they are currently doing for Eclipse? This is probably a mere coincidence but NetBeans is moving to a completely new infrastructure (an announcement was made just a few days after the Oracle FAQ was released), I am sure that this has nothing to do with the timing of Oracle's FAQ.

On an unrelated side note the next version of NetBeans (version 6.8), which is going to be released around December will have JavaFX support ready straight away. Also all future NetBeans releases are going to be synchronised with the JavaFX releases (current and future) which should help increase development speed, and improve stability for the JavaFX plugin.

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